silence of the mask – Share Your Story Make A Difference! Get Your Message Out & Help More People Mon, 18 May 2020 23:05:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 silence of the mask – Share Your Story Make A Difference! 32 32 The Year of the Mouth Or Year of the Mask? Mon, 18 May 2020 22:26:08 +0000 Continue reading "The Year of the Mouth Or Year of the Mask?"

This article is one I posted on my sister site for Transformational Leaders and Messengers. I hope it inspires you, wherever you are on your path today!

Did you know that 2020 is called the Year of the Mouth according to the prophetic interpretation of the Hebrew numbers for the year 5780? (If you want to read more, just do an online search for “2020 year of the mouth.”)

At the beginning of this year I was excited to hear that prophetic word, as I had been finishing up writing one book as well as writing others. Something was stirring in me, telling me this was “the year,” and I’d been getting ready to step up to a higher level in being more visible, feeling I had a clear and more powerful message that it was time to put out into the world.

Well, we all know what happened with a global lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything closed up and came to a screeching halt. Masks started being the new look of the day with everyone covering up and cowering in fear of others, even through the idea and practice of social distancing. And so, I noticed, it became the Year of the Mask!

The story of 2020 could have stopped there. The Mask could have won over the Mouth. But I believe the Mouth and the Story and Voice in each of us is much too powerful to be shut down by the negative, limited, and fear-based media frenzy, trying to keep the viewers hooked with fear and worry so their ratings would stay high!

Nope! Not buying into that game! I’ve got too much to say and do and be, too many people to help, and no more time to waste in getting it out there. And so do a lot of others, it seems. Yourself included, I’ll bet!

We can choose to dwell on whatever we want and give meaning to the circumstances and events or experiences around us. That’s how our beliefs that lead to actions and habits are formed. I don’t know about you, but I choose not to dwell on the fear but on the possibilities from this new way of living, which is only temporary. Maybe it will last a little longer than we like or expect, but this too shall pass.

When the game changes, you just rewrite the rules if you can or find creative ways to do things differently. What I’ve noticed during the last couple of months is that although the traffic on the roads is not so busy with people living their frenetic lives zooming here and there and everywhere, that now people are Zooming online here and there and everywhere!

We, as unstoppable, resilient (and some bored, yes, I’ll give you that) folks have gotten creative with our love of socializing and staying connected, and are having our meetings or getting our work done in whatever ways are open to us.

In the online communities I frequent of coaches, speakers, consultants, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and visionaries, most of us are stepping up and excited in a bigger way about the possibilities and actual experiences of doing business in a new and even better format.

My social calendar has become a flurry of Zoom meetings throughout the day and evening. I’ve had small group meetings of friends and teams from church, virtual church services, a virtual tea party or two, many art shows from galleries now as virtual events, along with several virtual 2 or 3-day events, as well as many online challenges, get-it-done workflow meetings, and tons of virtual summits and trainings through online live streaming. Even families and friends across distances are having their own streaming events. You catch the drift! You probably have your own events you could add to this list.

The opportunities for me to step up to a bigger audience online this year have been well-modeled by others who report unprecedented success in more than a few instances. One reason is that the celebrity speakers who were hard to book for online interviews are now looking for stay-at-home opportunities to deliver their messages and products. They are chomping at the bit to stay productive and booked with people to speak to. People are looking for events to attend, to learn and connect with others, and these types of events have been perfect people-attractors. The more of the audience that shows up, the more opportunity for more impact as well as more sales.

The most fun and amazing part to me is that you can run your global empire in your pajamas from home if you wanted to, while still making a big impact and income. This practically eliminates any excuse you or I might have as to why we can’t start or ramp up getting our own message out there.

Yes, it might take a little patience, focus, and help getting used to the online streaming platforms like Zoom or Facebook Live if you have never used them before, but compare the difficulty and perhaps fear of that with driving some place to speak and getting on an actual stage if you are not used to that!

Just think about it. Once you have grown a live and appreciative audience who are great customers and fans and wanting more from you, it will be much easier to step up on a platform in your own event, where those who follow you look forward to meeting you in person and shaking your hand, telling you personally what a difference your help and insights and story has made in their own life.

There’s nothing more gratifying than connecting with people in ANY way – and then hearing that your efforts have paid off in making their life better in some way – and even saving it entirely, in some cases.

The bottom line comes down to this challenge I want to give you today. Will you choose to make 2020 the Year of the MOUTH – your Mouth Voicing Your Message and Making A Difference? Or will you let the MASK stop you from connecting with your people and your place – and your purpose and destiny – with the unique opportunity that lies before you today?

It’s your choice. You get to decide what this situation means to you – whether it’s time to shrink back and play small, or find a new maybe uncomfortable and unfamiliar way to stretch yourself – to reach out and up and say:

“YES! I WILL NOT BE MASKED! I WILL NOT BE KEPT SILENT! Too many people need to hear what I have been given the gift of learning the hard way – and it’s too important to NOT share it and give it to those needing it, perhaps even more in these different times. This IS MY New Normal!” Let it be. Amen!

Note: If you were inspired by this article and would like more encouragement and help as you step up to open your mouth and share the good things God has put inside you, check out my site for Transformational Leaders and Messengers here:
